- TOPAZ Alto Dale Farm, Cradocks Lane and Reisterstown Road (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- IRIDESCENT SIDERITE Arbutus Canyon (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALLANITE Arundel Quarry (Baltimore County), Joseph F. Schreiber collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Arundel Gneiss Quarry (Baltimore County), John S. White Collection, John S. White photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Arundel Gneiss Quarry (Baltimore County), Joseph F. Schreiber collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHALCEDONY Bare Hills Serpentine Barrens (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHROMITE Bare Hills (Baltimore County), Harvard Mineralogical Museum Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- Chromian Clinochlore, Chromite, Magnesite, Talc, Serpentinite: Bare Hills Serpentine Barrens, Baltimore County, Collected by Jake Slagle, Photographed by Jake Slagle, Collectio of Jake Slagle
- SEPIOLITE (Meerschaum) Bare Hills Serpentine Barrens (Baltimore County), Natural History Society of Maryland Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Blue Mount Trap Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- BRUCITE Blue Mount Trap Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- Hematite Abandoned Iron Pit nr. Blue Mount, Collected by Bernie Emery, Photograph by Jake Slagle
- GOETHITE: The Caves, Baltimore County, Maryland; collected by Jake Slagle, Collection of Jake Slagle; Photgrapher Jake Slagle
- DRUSY QUARTZ I -70 Construction, North Side (Baltimore County), Bob Eberle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- TREMOLITE Gilmor Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- TREMOLITE Gilmor Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- BERYL GREENSPRING (McMahon) Quarry (Baltimore County ), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- GARNET, SCAPOLITE GREENSPRING (McMahon) Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- GOETHITE AND QUARTZ GREENSPRING (McMahon) Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Hollofield Quarry (Baltimore County), Joseph F. Schreiber collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ENSTATITE Hollofield Quarry (Baltimore County), Natural History Society of Maryland Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- PYRITE Near Valley View Farms (Baltimore County), John Vanko Collection , Jake Slagle photographer
- ILMENITE near Liberty Reservoir (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- SPHENE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- RUTILE West Loch Raven Reservoir (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle photographer
- FLUORAPATITE GREENSPRING (McMahon) Quarry (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) McComas Ore Banks, nr. Bluemount (Baltimore County), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHLORITE (Rosetted Crystals) Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle: Photographer
- CLINOZOISITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- KAOLINITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- LAUMONTITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- MOLYBDENITE Milford Trap Quarry, Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle: Photographer
- PREHNITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- PYRRHOTITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- SCOLECITE Milford Trap Quarry Baltimore County, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle Photographer
- TABULAR QUARTZ Nash Farm (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Construction Rt. 795, Owings Mills (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- GOETHITE Oregon Ridge near Hunt Valley (Baltimore County), Bob Eberle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ZOISITE Powder Mill Shaft (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- KYANITE Near Reisterstown (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ANTIGORITE (var.)PICROLITE Soldiers Delight (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ARFVEDSONITE XLS. in quartz Delight Quarry, Soldier's Delight (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHROMIAN CLINOCHLORE Soldiers Delight (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- QUARTZ Soldiers Delight (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHALCOPYRITE on CALCITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- DRAVITE (Tourmaline Group) Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore Couny), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- FLUORAITE, DOLOMITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Natural History Society of Maryland Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- PHLOGOPITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Bob Eberle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- SCAPOLITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Joseph F. Schreiber collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- SCAPOLITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- PYRITE Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Jake Slagle photographer
- SPHENE (Titanite) Texas Quarry nr. Cockeysville (Baltimore County), Natural History Society of Maryland Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- PYROMORPHITE Western Baltimore County (Baltimore County), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer