- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Baltimore Harbor Tunnels Digs (Baltimore City), Bob Eberle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Wright Quarry Stony Run Wyman Park Collected by Jake Slagle Photograph by Jake Slagle
- HORNBLENDE CRYSTALS Cooks Lane Quarry (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- CLINOZOISITE Cooks Lane Quarry (Baltimore City) NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- AMPHIBOLE ANTHOPHYLLITE Gwynns Falls Quarry (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- APATITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- APATITE (close up) Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- AUTUNITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- BARYTE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- CHABAZITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHABAZITE (photomicrograph) Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Harvard Mineralogical Museum Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHABAZITE (var.)HAYDENITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- CHALCOPYRITE ON GNEISS Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- HEULANDITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- HEULANDITE (photomicrograph) Jones Falls Quarries (Batimore City), Harvard Mineralogical Museum Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- LAUMONITITE Woodberry Trap Quarry (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- MOLYBDENITE Maryland Materials Quarry (Cecil County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer
- MUSCOVITE with INTRUSIONS Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Harold Levey Collection , Jake Slagle photographer
- NATROLITE, ANALCIME Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- STILBITE, ANALCIME Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- FLUORITE Louise Shaft, Hamilton, Baltimore City, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle: Photographer
- STILBITE Stony Run Shaft (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer
- ZOISITE (var.) THULITEWright's Quarry, Baltimore City, Collected by Stuart Herring, Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer