Baltimore City ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Baltimore Harbor Tunnels Digs (Baltimore City), Bob Eberle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer ALMANDINE (Garnet Group) Wright Quarry Stony Run Wyman Park Collected by Jake Slagle Photograph by Jake Slagle HORNBLENDE CRYSTALS Cooks Lane Quarry (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer CLINOZOISITE Cooks Lane Quarry (Baltimore City) NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer AMPHIBOLE ANTHOPHYLLITE Gwynns Falls Quarry (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer APATITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer APATITE (close up) Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer AUTUNITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer BARYTE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer CHABAZITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer CHABAZITE (photomicrograph) Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Harvard Mineralogical Museum Collection, Jake Slagle photographer CHABAZITE (var.)HAYDENITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Fred Parker Collection, Jake Slagle photographer CHALCOPYRITE ON GNEISS Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer HEULANDITE Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer HEULANDITE (photomicrograph) Jones Falls Quarries (Batimore City), Harvard Mineralogical Museum Collection, Jake Slagle photographer LAUMONITITE Woodberry Trap Quarry (Baltimore City), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer MOLYBDENITE Maryland Materials Quarry (Cecil County), Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle photographer MUSCOVITE with INTRUSIONS Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), Harold Levey Collection , Jake Slagle photographer NATROLITE, ANALCIME Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer STILBITE, ANALCIME Jones Falls Quarries (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer FLUORITE Louise Shaft, Hamilton, Baltimore City, Maryland Natural History Society of Maryland Collection Jake Slagle: Photographer STILBITE Stony Run Shaft (Baltimore City), NHSM Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer ZOISITE (var.) THULITE Wright's Quarry, Baltimore City, Collected by Stuart Herring, Jake Slagle Collection, Jake Slagle Photographer